House of Informotion


Business Type
Artistic and Creative Consultation
Writeup By
Liam Ford
  • Logotype Creation
  • Logomark Creation
  • Brand Identity Creation
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Project Brief

House of Informotion came to us looking for a new logo for their Artistic and Creative Consultation company. The client desired a logo that effectively represents their creative and innovative approach to their work in the performance field. They envisioned a design that combined elements of flow and radiant movement to capture their unique identity.

Our Approach

We began by conducting in-depth research on the client's industry, target audience, and competitors. This allowed us to gain a comprehensive understanding of their brand and create a logo that stands out in the market. To reflect the client's artistic and creative nature, we incorporated fluid lines and abstract shapes into the logo design. By merging these elements with subtle technological touches, we succeeded in creating a visual representation of House of Informotion's innovative approach to creative consultancy.

Throughout the design process, we collaborated closely with the client, ensuring that their vision was incorporated into the final product. We presented various logo concepts, seeking their input and feedback at every stage. Through this collaborative effort, we were able to create a logo that not only captures House of Informotion's brand identity, but also resonates with their target audience.

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